Tally Online Test 1006 January 9, 2025 Tally Online Test 1006 0% 44 Tally Online Test 1006 Select BatchMorningEvening 1 / 26 Which unit is created for stock items like grain, pulse, sugar, oil, ghee etc- Box Pcs Lts Kgs 2 / 26 Which voucher type is used to transfer amount from one Bank to Another Bank- Journal Contra Receipt Payment 3 / 26 What type of application software is Tally- Spreadsheet package Accounting Package Statistics package None of these 4 / 26 Where do we record transactions of salary, rent or interest paid- Payment Contra Journal Receipt 5 / 26 Creating Ledger for CGST, Which Under group Selected we select- Direct Expense Duties & Taxes direct Expense Indirect Expenses 6 / 26 By default, which mode is on in Purchase and sales Voucher- Item Invoice Mode Particular Mode None of these Normal Mode 7 / 26 Shortcut to create Ledger in Voucher- Alt+L Ctrl+C Alt+C Alt+D 8 / 26 Which option is used in Tally to make changes in created company- Alter None of these Shut Company Select Company 9 / 26 We are creating ledger for Salary, Rent, Advertisement, which under group we select- Direct Expense Indirect Income Direct Income Indirect Expenses 10 / 26 Which key is used to Activate Voucher-: None of these V K VB 11 / 26 Where do we record all type of adjustment entry in Tally F6:Receipt F5:Payment F4:Contra F7:Journal 12 / 26 Which option is used to delete the Company- Delete Alter None of these Customize 13 / 26 How many inbuilt Accounts group are in tally by default- 15 None of these 14 / 26 Tally package is developed by Coral Sulotion Tally Solutions None of these Peutronics 15 / 26 Where do we record credit purchase of furniture in Tally- Payment Receipt Contra Journal 16 / 26 By Default, how many ledgers create in tally- 3 4 1 2 17 / 26 Which menu appears after starting Tally for the first time- Accounting Info Company Info Display Gateway of Tally 18 / 26 Which key is used to Alter Ledger directly in Voucher- Alt+Enter Alt+Ctrl+Enter Ctrl+Enter Shift+Enter 19 / 26 “Allow components list details (Bills of materials)’ option is Activated for- Budgets Stock Item Cost Category Ledger 20 / 26 To create Manufacturing Journal which option must be activated- Use as manufacturing Journal Use common Narration Prefilled with Zero Narrations for each entry 21 / 26 Where do we record interest received, commission received or rent received in Tally- Contra Journal Receipt Payment 22 / 26 According to the Nominal Account, All expenses should be credit- True False 23 / 26 Which shortcut key is used to take print of any report in Tally Shift+P Alt+Shift+P Ctrl +P Alt+P 24 / 26 Which Keys is used to change Double Entry Mode to Single entry Mode- Alt+P Alt+R Ctrl+R Ctrl +H 25 / 26 Shortcut used for Open the Calculator- Ctrl+M Ctrl+N Alt+C Ctrl+C 26 / 26 Which Group Selected for Advanced Salary Ledger- Duties None of these Advanced Salary Loan & Advanced Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart Online Test Pos.NameScoreDurationThere is no data yet